You can use EITHER a Postcode, OR two other search fields (plus optional County)
For Postcode, include at least the number after the space and the space must be included, e.g. AB1 2; County is ignored
For the other fields, enter at least 3 characters into both; you would typically enter all or part of: pub name, street or town; for a much quicker search, please also select the County
The system will return at most 100 results
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Postcode (inc space):
Address Search 1:
Address Search 2:
County (or leave blank):
Please note that Address searches with no specified County take at least 1.5 mins to complete!
Results are given as follows:
Property Address (Postcode):
[Company Registration No; Proprietorship Category; Date Proprietor Added (dd-mm-yyyy); AdditionalProprietor*]
* "AdditionalProprietor" indicates that there is at least one other (unknown) proprietor